Le radio in streaming web sulle Chrysler a partire dal 2009

Un’opportunità in più per le web radio.

Due mesi fa era solo un’indiscrezione, ora è ufficiale e la notizia arriva da Detroit, dove Chrysler ha chiamato a raccolta i media per illustrare le “new entry” del 2009. La casa automobilistica, questa la novità più gustosa, metterà sul mercato dall’anno prossimo autovetture dotate di un optional decisamente fuori serie, la connettività Internet.

crysler grand voyager Taking Control Of The Infinite Dial

Even before Wednesday’s announcement that Chrysler would make its 2009 models Internet enabled, terrestrial broadcasters faced multiple challenges in securing their place on The Infinite Dial: the WiMax car radio of the future that would make every station stream in the world available to motorists.

The first is creating a unique selling proposition for their stations in a space with scores of Top 40 “Kiss FMs” or multiple Jack-FMs. That situation exists already, as it happens, on Clear Channel and CBS’ respective media players.

The second is being located among thousands upon thousands of choices — current terrestrial brands, Internet-only stations, repurposed satellite radio channels and likely hybrids of all of the above. Page through the offerings of even the best organized stream-aggregators now, and you’ll see what a challenge this represents for a potential listener.
